How to check IPO Allotment Status Online?

An IPO enables a corporation to increase its visibility and reputation by becoming public. Customers will then be able to trust the business and the goods and services it offers. A firm taking part in an IPO is taking a huge step since it opens the possibility of significant capital raising. This increases the company’s capacity for development and growth. 

Additionally, the enhanced openness and trustworthiness of the share listing may help it get better terms when looking for borrowed money.

The IPO allotment status provides information on the number of shares issued to investors in an IPO. The registrant of the IPO manages the allotment procedure for it. The day when the public is informed of the allotment status on the website of the IPO registrar is known as the IPO allotment date”

If you’re curious about where to check the IPO Allotment Status online, this article will be your guiding hand. Let’s dive in!

How to Check the Status of IPO Allotments?

On the registrar’s website, you may check the allocation status online. Investors can use an IPO registrar like Link Intime or KFintech to monitor the status of their subscriptions. The investor will need his PAN card number, IPO application number, and Demat account number to verify the status of his IPO subscription. Investors will get the information underneath the search box on the registrar’s or BSE’s website if the shares are allocated.

 How to check IPO Allotment Status Online

The IPO registrar processes the IPO allotment per the allotment. Once the registrar completes the allotment, the IPO Allotment Status will be accessible and show up under the IPO Name the investors submitted. Investors receive information from BSE, NSE, CDSL, and NSDL via shared Email and SMS.

The IPO release date typically takes seven days. In the event of smallcap IPOs, if the subscription threshold limit is not met, this might take longer.

Also Read: What is an IPO & Benefits to Invest in IPO in India?

How to use NSE to check the status of your IPO allotment?

Step 1: Go to the official website of NSE at

Step 2: Drag your pointer over “Invest” and select “Check Trade/Bids.”

Step 3: Use the “Click here to Sign Up” option on the NSE website to register with your PAN number. If you have already created an account on the website, you may sign in right away by using the “Click here to login” link.

Step 4: To log in, enter your Username, Password, and confirm the captcha code.

Step 5: You’re done! Now check your IPO allocation status on the new page that will appear.

How is IPO Allotment Calculated?

The registrar publishes the IPO allotment computation based on the allocation document for the IPO. Bidders can check it by accessing the registrar’s site once the allotment is done.

The IPO Basis of Allotment is a document that the IPO registrar issues following the completion of the share distribution as per regulatory requirements. 

How can I apply online for Upcoming IPOs?

Applying for IPOs may be done more easily online. Investors can submit an application using a stockbroker’s site or app and choose UPI as their payment method.

Before submitting the bid in the upcoming IPOs, sign into the console and input the necessary information, including the UPI handle. ASBA backs every Application for an initial public offering (IPO) or Application Supported by Blocked Amount, which enables the bank to hold the bid value amount until the IPO.

Top Indian IPO Registrars

Link Intime and KFin Technologies cater to mainstream IPOs. They do the computations using the information from the IPO subscriptions and provide the IPO allotment status on their website. On the day of the allotment, the investors visit the website to see if they received their share allocation or not. While KFin Technologies has supplied services to approx 271 IPOs as of today, Bigshare Services has offered services to more than 362 IPOs, joining Link Intime in second place with around 355 IPOs.

How can you know about the latest IPOs?

IPO investors may keep track of the latest IPO updates on the websites like SMC, Chittorgarh, Moneycontrol as well as different specialized websites. 


The IPO allotment procedure will last one week by the most recent SEBI regulations for large-cap IPOs. According to SEBI regulations, the registrars like Linkintime or KFintech must distribute the IPO allotment seven days following the IPO closure. Now that you know how to check IPO Allotment Status Online, you are good to go.

Many unicorn businesses and tech start-ups have decided to list on the stock market. The upcoming IPO and the latest IPO list for 2022 are huge. 

Are you ready for the bidding game?

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